A workshop on epistemology, globalisation and context
15-17 May 2014 - Ghent, Belgium
Participants include: Jacco Bomhoff, Roger Brownsword, Seán Patrick Donlan, Patrick Glenn, Matthew Grelette, Jaap Hage, Jaakko Husa, Susan Millns, David Nelken, Heikki Pihlajamäki, Geoffrey Samuel,Mathias Siems, Catherine Valcke, Rob Van Gestel, and Alain Wijffels.
14.00 Introduction by Maurice Adams (Tilburg)
14.15 What is Legal Epistemology?
Geoffrey Samuel
(Canterbury, Kent)
14.45 Comparative Law as Method
and the Method of Comparative Law
Jaap Hage (Maastricht)
15.15 Research-Designs of
Comparative Law – Methodology or Heuristics?
Jaakko Husa (Rovaniemi, Lapland)
15.45 discussion
16.15 break
16.45 Three Functions of Function
in Comparative Law
Valcke and Matthew Grellette (Toronto)
17.15 Against Method?
Patrick Glenn (McGill, Montreal)
17.45 discussion
19.30 short visit to the law faculty buildings,
followed by a drink
Friday, May
session on Globalisation
09.30 Ius Commune, Comparative Law and Public Governance
Alain Wijffels (Leiden,
Louvain-la-Neuve, and Leuven)
10.00 Things Being Various:
Normativity, Legality, State Legality
Seán Donlan (Limerick)
10.30 discussion
11.00 break
11.30 The Curious Case of Overfitting Legal Transplants
Mathias Siems (Durham)
12.00 Making the Case for European Comparative
Legal Studies in Public Law Susan Millns (Brighton, Sussex)
12.30 discussion
13.00 lunch
Friday, May
session on Context
14.30 Comparative Contexts in
Legal History: Are We All Comparatists Now?
Heikki Pihlajamäki (Helsinki)
15.00 Comparative Law and EU-legislation:
Inspiration, Evaluation or Justification?
Rob van Gestel
15.30 discussion
16.00 break
16.30 Comparatively Speaking:
‘Law in its Regulatory Environment’
Roger Brownsword (King’s
College, London)
17.00 discussion
19.30 dinner
May 17th
10.00 Taking account of the empirical and comparative law
David Nelken (Macerata/Kings College/London)
10.50 reply to Nelken
by Jacco Bomhoff (LSE, London)
11.10 discussion
12.00 Conclusions by Dirk
Heirbaut (Ghent)
12.30 end of the workshop
15 and 16 May: Ghent University Conference Center ‘Het Pand’, Onderbergen 1,
Ghent www.ugent.be/het-pand/en/accessibility
17 May: Facultaire Raadzaal, Ghent Law Faculty, Voldersstraat 3, Ghent
Workshop papers: All papers presented on 15 and 16
May will be published, together with some more papers, in ‘The Method and Culture of Comparative Law. Essays in Honour of Mark VanHoecke’, edited by M.Adams and D.Heirbaut with Hart Publishing, Oxford.
This book is expected to appear by the time of the Workshop.
Fees: A limited number of places are
available for interested researchers.
The fees are 140 €, including lunch
on Friday and the book with the workshop papers.
They amount to 190 € for those who
also want to take part in the dinner on Friday.
Registration with the enclosed
registration form. Payment of the fees upon receipt of the invoice.
Boat trip: On Saturday afternoon (14-18 hrs) there will be a trip
on the picturesque river Leie, on a reconstructed historical boat (tow barge
used on the canal Ghent-Bruges in early 19th century). Price for
taking part in this boat trip is 20 €
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